Hi Guys,
Before we get to today’s selection at Doomben, I just wanted to answer some questions around the recent performance of the system selections and to share some basic stats with you all.
I can assure you that I assess the systems performance on an ongoing basis and the aim is always to back as many winners as possible. That will never change.
In the data I have analysed over the last 18 months there is a strong correlation between winners to placings in a month regardless of how many tips we have.
If you look at the last 5 months results the two winning months we have had are closer (winners/losers) to the other months.
July – 8 winners 26 placings
June – 11 winners 20 placings
May – 10 winners 22 placings
April – 9 winners 25 placings
March – 21 winners 27 placings
What these figures show is that we are in the ball park with the selections but not getting the “1” next to the name as often as we all want.
I am 100% confident that it will turn as its part of the cycle we bet into and you can have confidence that I do take note of how we are performing and will continue to do so to improve the experience for all.
The wet tracks mean we have just the one selection today from Doomben:
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